Design Projects
It all started with my high school yearbook.
In those two years on the staff, with leading as co-editor my senior year, I fell in love with finding creative ways to tell stories and capture memories. While the photography and journalism side of things were intriguing, I really became enthralled with making a clean double-page spread using tools like Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, & Photoshop.
Over the years, from joining various marketing teams in college to my current role, I've sharpened my design skills and strengthened my creative eye. I now have ample experience in creating brand kits, newsletters, yearbooks, drawings, videos, scrapbooks, and more.
Auburn for Water Marketing
I led the rebrand of a campus fundraising organization, Auburn for Water. This new branding included the creation of simple and complex logo, establishing brand colors in a brand kit, and creating recognition on campus with the new tagline, “Until all are served.” I served as Director of Marketing for the organization in Fall 2019-Spring 2020.